Resources & Links
Pandemic EBT
- Information:
- P-EBT Helpline: (877) 328-9677 (Monday–Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
Food Assistance
- CalFresh:
- School Meals:
- WIC:
- LA Regional Food Bank:
Nutrition Guidelines
Smart Snacks in Schools
You can use the California Project Lean Food Calculator to see if the foods/beverages you want to serve to students for a school event are compliant. Simply type in the information requested and the calculator will tell you based on the grade level is the items are compliant to serve. Click here for the Project Lean Food Calculator!
Find out if your products are compliant with Smart Snacks in School guidelines with this interactive tool.
You are welcome to contact the Child Nutrition Office if you have any questions!