Transitional Kindergarten
TK PARENT INFORMATION for 2024-2025 school year
A child whose birthdate falls between 9/2/2019 and 6/2/2020 is eligible for TK at RBUSD. Families enrolling a Transitional Kinder student for the 2024-2025 school year should follow the enrollment protocol found on the Enroll in RBUSD page. Upon completion of online enrollment, request from your neighborhood school a TK application. This link will be available from your school site office as of March 1, 2024.
TK Information Night for Redondo Beach residents will be held at Jefferson Elementary on Thursday, February 22nd.
Why should I consider the TK program for my child?
Entering Kindergarten is a very exciting time! It is also a time of considerable adjustment for some children and their families. This adjustment may be even more challenging for young children whose developmental abilities may not readily match the expectations of school. A child’s first year of schooling is the most important. During this critical time period, children form attitudes of self-awareness, confidence, and interpersonal development. These attitudes carry on throughout childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. Thus, it is critical that a child’s first school experience be a successful one. The curriculum will focus on preparing children to enter Kindergarten the following school year.
How do I know if my child is qualified to attend TK?
Your child is eligible if s/he is turning five between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025.
Is TK available at every school?
TK will be offered at four elementary schools, Madison, Lincoln, Jefferson and Tulita. Program placement will be determined by Educational Services based on space availability.
If my child attends TK, does that become my home school?
At the end of the TK year, your child would return to their home school. If you want to stay at the TK school, you would need to file for a School of Choice request in March of the TK year. Placement would be subject to space available at your TK school.
Are there any exceptions to the birthdate eligibility for TK or K enrollment?
California Education Code is very specific about participation in TK, K, and 1. RBUSD will not make any exceptions for students who fall out of the birthdate eligibility date ranges for TK and K.
My child started Kindergarten after school already started this year and will not turn 6 until after school begins next year, can he/she enroll in first grade?
Yes, but parent/guardian will need to sign off on the District’s California Educational Code Age Eligibility for K/1 Agreement stating they understand that their child is not age eligible for grade 1.
My child is not ready for first grade, even though they are turning 6, can I hold them back?
Yes, but parent/guardian will need to sign off on the District’s California Educational Code Eligibility for K Retention stating they understand that their child is not age eligible for grade K.
My child went to private school for Kindergarten and First Grade but will not be 7 by the time school starts, can they still enroll in 2nd grade?
Yes, there is no Education Code regulating 2nd grade enrollment age eligibility.
Check out the TK school sites and CDC!
If you have questions regarding RBUSD's TK Program, please contact the
Office of Educational Services at (310) 937-1223.